Blaming and Accusing Someone

Pernahkah kalian menyalahkan seseorang? Apa yang menyebabkan kalian menyalahkan seseorang?
Kita bisa menyalahkan seseorang saat mereka melakukan kesalahan yang merugikan kita ataupun merugikan orang lain. Untuk itu, kalian bisa gunakan expresi di bawah ini:
Blaming someone

Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something done (badly or wrongly) or not done: He blamed his teacher for his failure.

Expressing Blaming
It was your fault !
You are the one to blame....
Serves you right
You are to blame for  steel my …

Ø  I’m sorry. It’s my fault
Ø  Sorry for my fault
Ø  I’m sorry for the things. I’ve done
Ø  It’s my responsibility. I’m sorry

Jika kita tahu seseorang berbuat salah, namun kita belum punya bukti atau kita belum mengetahui kebenaran bahwa ia melakukan kesalahan, kita bisa menggunakan expresi menuduh di bawah ini :
Accusing someone
Is expression when someone said that person did something wrong although she/he doesn’t know the truth, like stealing.

Expression Accusing
It must have been you who did it
I think you're the only person who could have done it
You must be doing something wrong
You must be the doer

I’m sorry. It’s my fault
Sorry for my fault
I’m sorry for the things. I’ve donne
It’s my responsibility. I’m sorry


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