
Showing posts from 2012

Blaming and Accusing Someone

Pernahkah kalian menyalahkan seseorang? Apa yang menyebabkan kalian menyalahkan seseorang? Kita bisa menyalahkan seseorang saat mereka melakukan kesalahan yang merugikan kita ataupun merugikan orang lain. Untuk itu, kalian bisa gunakan expresi di bawah ini: Blaming someone Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something done (badly or wrongly) or not done: He blamed his teacher for his failure . Expressing Blaming expression It was your fault ! You are the one to blame .... Serves you right You are to blame for  steel my …

Admitting Mistakes and Making Promises

      Admitting Mistake is the way you to admit and ask for a sorry of your mistake. Benefits of Admitting   Mistakes:       It demonstrates your courage       It demonstrates your humanity       It engenders more trusting relationships       It creates greater organisational value

Conditional Sentence

Conditional sentence is used for expressing our hope or expectation toward something. A conditinal sentence consist of two part : “main clause” and “if clause”. There are four types of conditional sentences in english: •          1st conditional sentences •        2nd conditional sentences •        3rd conditional   sentences •        Conditional Sentence without “IF” (Inversion)

Making Suggestion and Requesting Something

Making Suggestion is how you express your suggestion to someone .   There are a number of ways used when making suggestions : 1)            WHAT ABOUT/HOW ABOUT ... + Base form + -ING •        What about going to the swimming pool tomorrow? •        How about going to the swimming pool tomorrow? 2)            WHY + Negative •        Why don't we go to the swimming pool tomorrow? 3)            IMPERATIVE: Let's + Base form •        Let's go to the swimming pool tomorrow!  4)            COULD •        We could go to the swimming pool tomorrow. 5)             DO YOU WANT + the infinitive •        Do you want to go to the swimming pool tomorrow?

Complaining and Giving Instruction

Complaining Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable. Making a complaint:       I do wish you could….       Excuse me, I’m afraid…       I wish you wouldn’t mind…       Would you mind (doing)….?       Well, it is good for you to….       (Honestly!) I’m fed up with …       I wonder if you could help me…..       I’m sorry to have to say this, but….       Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but….       (Well,) this is the most unsatisfactory.       Wouldn’t it be a good idea to/ not to….       I’ve got a bit of a problem here, you see……       Excuse me, there appears to be something wrong…       Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with…

Explanation Text

explanation text is explaining how something forms or why the thing happens. So when we read an explanation text, the text will cover the answer of "how" or "why" relating to a thing or a phenomenon. An explanation text is organized with the generic structure of a general statement and a sequence of explanations. If you need to know the basic definition of explanation texts. Generic structure of Explanation General statement ; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. Sequenced explanation ; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena. Language Feature of Explanation Featuring generic participant; sun, rain, etc Using chronological connection; to begin with, next, etc Using passive voice pattern Using simple present tense How Day and Night Happen The sun seems to rise in the morning, crosses the sky during the day and sets at night. However the sun does not actually move around the earth. Earth's turning on its

Business Letter

The block format is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the left margin. Your Address   1 The return address of the sender so the recipient can easily find out where to send a reply to. •        British English Position         : I n the top right corne r of the letter. •           American English Position         : I n the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter ( below the signature )                           

Asking About Possibility, Curiosity, and Desire

                                                                                                                                         Possibility Possibility is used when we are talking about the future, we often don't really know what will happen . Asking about Possibilities : •       Would it be possible for (somebody) to …? •       Do you think it’s possible that ... ? •       What possibility is there that ... ? •       Is there any possibility that ... ?

Discussion Text

Discussion is a text which presents a problematic   discourse . This problem will be   discussed   from different   points of view .   It presents   pro and contra   opinion on certain issue. The purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information from differing viewpoints. Discussion texts are usually written in the present tense. Points to check:       Have you been fair to both sides?       Have you supported your views with reasons ande vidence?       In your conclusion, have you given a reason for what you have decided?

Contrastive Conjunction and Modal Perfect

Contranstive conjuctionis used to empiharize the contrast between two ideas The following are some contrastive conjunctions But, still, yet, although, even though, whereas, while

Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something

Persuading Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. So, someone want to do something as like as persuader’s request.

Narrative Text

Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain readers.Other function of narrative text is for education. Generic Structure •       Orientation      :  It is about the opening paragraph where the characters, setting and time of the story are established. •       Complication   :  When the problems in the story arise an involves main character. •       Resolution        : The problems are solved   (better or worse). Language Features •       Use past form tenses. •       Use indirect speech. •       Use noun phrase. •       Use time connectives and conjunctions. •       Use adverbs and adverbial phrase. •       Use imagery. •       Use action verbs. •       Use saying verbs •       Use thinking verbs, feeling verb, and verbs of senses Kinds of Narrative Text •       Myth is a story made up to explain something that people believe (such as how the earth was made) or something in nature (such as thunder or lightning) with no proof. •       L

Direct-Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech,

Passive Sentence

Passive sentence or passive voice are used in writing much more often than in speech, and they are used in some types of writing much more often than in others.